A 15-year-old cricket fan, Yathaarrt Chhabria, has penned a moving letter to Rohit Sharma following the Indian skipper’s much-awaited return to domestic cricket in the Ranji Trophy. Despite an underwhelming performance, Yathaarrt expressed unwavering admiration for Rohit, calling him his "idol" and "the greatest batsman of all time." The letter, brimming with emotion and encouragement, has gone viral, showcasing the deep bond between fans and their cricketing heroes. Rohit, 37, returned to the Ranji stage for Mumbai after a decade, drawing huge crowds to the BKC Ground. Although he scored only 31 runs across two innings in Mumbai’s loss to Jammu and Kashmir, his three sixes in the second innings were enough to reignite hope among his fans. Despite Shram's ongoing struggles, the 15-year-old seems to be pretty hopeful about Rohit Sharma's return to the Champions Trophy. In the letter he wrote, "Form is temporary, class is permanent. It doesn't matter, even if you haven't played a big innings recently; I can see that you are on the right track, and you will tear teams apart in the Champions Trophy. Your 3 sixes yesterday were amazing. I had to sit and watch the match while math class but it was worth it." Screengrab/Instagram Read also: Watch: fan runs in to meet Rohit Sharma as later pats his back "If you could help me out in any way" in disguise of praise? Chhabria also praised Rohit’s leadership, considering haters' age-old job to hate him. Praising his character on the field, the fan considered his idol to have succeeded as both player and captain in all formats. Adding to that, he made a request: “Please just never retire. I can’t imagine cricket without you.” Notably, the fan introduces himself as a wannabe sports journalist and says that he has completed an internship in association with the Rajasthan Royals. He further requested Rohit to contact him if any opportunities are available for him. The fan concluded, "I am a 15-year-old, well-spoken, and passionate boy. My dream is to be a sports analyst and I have even completed an internship in association with Rajasthan Royals. If you could help me out in any way please do let me know. I love you, Rohit, and I know you will return to the best of your abilities very, very soon."